We will be showcasing our board, which displays the research and work completed so far in this class, during this week's school gallery walk. This, in my opinion, is an excellent opportunity to not only display my work but also bring ISM to the attention of more students who might not be aware of it but could still gain from this class. It also gives prospective students an idea of the kind of work they will be doing and an opportunity to meet and converse with ISM students who may be able to offer guidance.
I knew the color for my board itself needed to fit into a certain theme. To illustrate the fact that medicine cannot follow in black and white and is typically always in the middle, my website is already black, gray, and white. I've been using this color scheme since the start of the year, so I thought to use it in my board to demonstrate coherence. However, I also know it serves a larger purpose by highlighting the gray areas in the field of forensic pathology, which encompasses both medicine and law.
The difficult part of designing my board wasn't actually designing it; rather, it was physically making it visually appealing and providing the appropriate amount of information in the fewest possible words. I put a lot of effort into choosing the right pictures to paste and the most visually appealing format. Ultimately, I created a layout that satisfied me since it satisfied every need I had hoped for. In addition to helping me, I hope that the students who will be occupying our seats the following year will find this gallery walk to be a useful resource.